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Candice M. Sanderson, Author of THE RELUCTANT MESSENGER

Candice M. Sanderson Gives THE SPEED OF LIFE 5 Stars: “A great book. You won’t be disappointed!”

The Speed Of Life by James Victor Jordan“James Jordan’s book is a fascinating read. Much of it takes place in my backyard…South Florida, but I found myself attracted to this book on multiple levels. First, it’s exciting, fast-paced, with many interesting characters. Who doesn’t like that in a novel?

Another plus is the wording; it’s simply beautiful: “…caught in the web of complexity she threaded with her lies.”; “…soft-blue morning light skipped across the whitecaps of a slow rolling surf.”; “…deep-purple storm clouds pelting the earth with biting rain.” The author’s words immerse the reader into the scenes. You feel like you are right there!

There’s a mystical thread that runs throughout the book that pulled me in. It’s the mystery stemming from the oldest philosophy on this planet: shamanism. Shamanic traditions have been around for over 40,000 years. Yes, 40,000. Shamans, medicine men, and medicine women know there’s more to our world than what our five senses measure.

They can travel outside of time, through the mystical realms of nonordinary reality. They return from these extraordinary journeys with wisdom that cannot be gained or perceived in our ordinary reality…at least, not by many.

It was these ancient shamanic teachings, sprinkled and woven throughout the book, that sang to my heart. It added to the storyline that supersedes the already fascinating drama unearthed in each chapter.

This is a great book. You won’t be disappointed.”

The Reluctant Messenger Book by Candice M. SandersonAbout Ms. Candice M. Sanderson

In August 2013, Candice M. Sanderson’s life changed in a ten-minute period of time. When her training as a psychologist failed to explain these events, she reluctantly followed the breadcrumbs down a path which resulted in an extraordinary adventure into the unknown. The Reluctant Messenger chronicles her expedition across a vast expanse of universal consciousness that resulted in new truths about life that she thought she had known so well.

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